Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Totally Vested Tuesday!

I picked up this little vest from Dot's on Sunday and I love it! I was really surprised that 3 of us wore brown "vest-like" outfits! Great minds think alike! LOL! And today Katie was on the same level as us! Too funny!

Anyway, yesterday I went back to my trainer for the first time in over a month and boy can I feel it today!! But it's a great feeling knowing that I got an excellent workout! I'm starting to feel more motivated to get in the gym and back on track with watching what I eat. I was weighed and measured today and found that although the scale has been showing I've lost weight, in reality I've lost muscle! NOT GOOD! All more reason for me to get back on track! I only wish I could afford trainer sessions twice a week FOREVER!

On to the outfit:

Vest - Dot's
White Pin Stripe Shirt - Not sure where I got this
7th Ave. Slacks - NY&Co
Pumps - Scarpa (Paris)
Pearl Necklace and Studs - Gift from my Honey!


Katie Keisler said...

That's so funny! I guess it was just a "brown" kind of day! Good thing we don't all work together - haha! That'd be funny!

I have been dying to get a vest for work - they are so "in" right now!

So weird - your weight loss situation, etc. - that's SO me!! We've (my husband and I) have been out of the gym for a few weeks, and just went back yesterday. Even though I've been slacking in my diet and portion control lately, the scale says I've lost weight - but I think you're right - I must have lost muscle and gained fat!

GO US! We're motivated! I think I'll say "No" to my nighttime snack! :-)

Thanks for the motivation! By the way - LOVE the pearls!

Hillary said...

Sorry to hear about the muscle loss, but I know you'll get it back. We need to push and motivate each other.

Loved the outfit. Great minds think alike. Here's to a brown day!